Monday, March 8, 2010

BUS100 Class/Concentration Summary Paper

Now that class is wrapping up, I feel a little better about choosing a specific concentration. When I first came to this class, I had no idea what I wanted to do with business. Now I have a much better understanding on what is available and what I can do within these concentrations. I think if I stay with the school of business, I would major in Marketing. There is so much you can do with that and it seems really interesting. I did declare the CIS concentration but I think I will be dropping that. The presentation was very convincing and it does sound interesting but it is something I do not really want to do. I am not really computer savvy and of course I could learn and I will have to learn in anything I do but I do not want that to be the only thing I do. The one thing that would make me even more comfortable in choosing a major is a clear list of what jobs I could get. I could talk to my councilor and the career center about possible options so I can get an idea of where I can work and if it sounds fun. The presenters were very helpful in providing me with information about the different concentrations. It was nice to hear about their experiences from college to now. I am still unsure exactly what to concentrate in but I know that I feel a little bit more educated and comfortable with making that decision.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Business Publication Assignment 2

ASX Suspends Trading in 13 Tardy Companies

Source:The Australian

In this story, the Australian Securities exchange had closed trading with 13 companies because they missed their deadline. Their deadline was turning in financial reports and those thirteen were declined and some were lucky and had their reports filed for Monday. Only one of the thirteen companies have missed their deadlines twice. Only seven companies were expected to resume trading by lodging their reports on early Monday or late Friday evening. This report shows that it is very important to follow deadlines.

Orange and T-Mobile Cleared for Mobile Merger by EU

Source: BBC news

The European Union as passed the deal that would team the mobile phone companies, T-Mobile and Orange, together. This makes them the biggest cell phone company in the UK but they are expected to follow guidelines. The main guideline they wanted was to protect the smallest network operator in the UK, 3. The EU wanted to make sure that 3 and the new fusion would still be competitive in the market so they created "'an existing network sharing agreement.'"

Data, data everywhere

This article discusses how even though we now have much more information available, sometimes it can be very overwhelming. Even though we have so much storage space, this gives way for information to be stolen. It is also discussed how we use data and information together for things we do to this day. Technology is also improving the overwhelming amount of data since it continues to become more advanced. According to the report, the amount of digital information "will increase tenfold in the next five years."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Business Publication #1

Toyota weighs incentives, longer warranties to keep customers
By Tom KrisherRead more:
This article was very interesting because I did not realize that Toyota even had a recall. The reasons for their recalls was the risk of cars having sticky gas petals. I know as an owner of that car, I would be very scared thinking that I could of gotten hurt. Even though they had to recall all of those cars, they have been very understanding and giving their customers support. They have extended warranties and have also offering zero percent financing. Their focus as a company is restoring their repetition and their customers faith and prove that they are a safe and reliable brand.

The Battery Market Will Charge Ahead
By Michael Butler
According to this article, the battery business will sky rocket in the coming years due to the ever growing cause of going green and using rechargeable batteries. Of course, with the growing popularity of renewable energy and hybrid cars, there is a need to advance the ability of the battery. That is why there has been funding to help improve the technology of the battery. Companies such as Intel and GE believe that if they invest in researching better battery technology, then they will advance their companies in the future.

Top 10 Sources Of Funding For Start-ups Martin Zwilling

After our presentation of entrepreneur, I found this article and I thought it was great advice. It was a list of simple sources to go to when you need some money to start up your business. One of the tips was bootstrapping which simply means to take some money out of your savings to start up the business. There was some obvious advice such as asking friends and families and taking out some loans and there are other ways to find resources. Some of those other ways is Angel Investors and venture capital. This would be a great article for those who are trying to start a business but do not know where to start.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Career Fair

I visited the career fair on February 3 and spoke with two companies. The first company was called Gexpro and it was a building company that helps build Eco-friendly buildings. Of course one of my question was explaining what the company does and that was electrical distribution. The other question I asked was the type of skills needed. The representative told me to have good sale qualities and to the ability to work in a team.
The other company I visited is a well known company, Enterprise. Their job is renting cars when people need it. I asked them why would it be a good idea to look into their company. They told me that it is a great environment and there are so many locations to chose from. I also asked what type of skills are needed and once again it was able to be able to work in teams.
It was really intimidating to walk into that fair because there were so many people. Also, unlike many people in the room, I was not really looking for a job so I felt as if I was in the way for those other people who were looking for one. Next time I will go more prepared with questions and take even more time. I will even dress better. The recruiter told me to build on my resume so when it was time for me to find a job, my resume will have many positive things on it and it will make me a better applicant for the job.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Concentration Paper

Part 1:

1. Lindsay Corbin

2. Aurora, Colorado

3. Corbett Hall

4. Classes: BUS 100, BUS 150, BZ 101(Humans and other Animals), MATH 141, ART 100(Intro to Visual Arts), GR 100(Intro to Geography)

5. I am working for 11-12 hours at Call-A-Ram. At this job, I make phone calls to mainly alumni and ask for donations for certain causes or fundraisers.

6. I chose CSU because I really like the Fort Collins community and the campus itself. I also enjoy how I can explore my options to see what I want to major in. CSU really helps and care about the students who come here.

7. I chose Business as my major because I had the grades to be in the Business school and I really wanted to explore my options to see if there is a place in the business world for me.

8. I love to see movies and hanging out with family and friends.

9. I know Kenna Alexander and I know her because we live in the same hall in Corbett.

10. I do not know that many faculty members in the college of business. I know my Bus100 teacher, Susan Athey, and my counselor Katya Stewart-Sweeney.

11. I am very interested in Studying Abroad because I love to travel and it would be a life changing experience. I would learn more about my concentration and I also learn a new culture. A change in learning environment would be fun and exciting.

12. I know I am still very confused about what I want to do. I do not have really specific questions because all of my questions will most likely be answered in this course.

Part 2:

When I think about what I am good at, what comes to mind are ideas that I have. I always have thoughts running through my mind and sometimes my ideas are crazy but then I try to think of a way they can be practical. I also think about my time management skills that are improving even better now that I also have a job to maintain. A weakness I have is my organizational skills. I sometimes throw papers into my backpack or loosely in a folder and they easily get lost. I need to take my time to put them in their proper place.

This course should help me in deciding what concentration I want within the college of business. I know off the top of my head that I do not want to concentrate in accounting. It sounds like a lot of math and I am not bad at math but it is not my favorite subject in the world. I am also not interested in finance because once again, it involves math and I just do not want that. I also can not picture myself in Real Estate. That seems to be involved with math, again, and also, I just do not see myself taking people out to find a house. Also, I do not see myself in Computer Information Systems. I know I will need to know how to use a computer in what ever job I am in but computers as my job is not what I like. I do not know how a computer works, all I really know is how to use Word and maybe PowerPoint. Other than that, I think computers might be too fancy for me.

I do see myself in Marketing. I sometimes have trouble thinking about an idea on the spot but if it an ongoing project, it will give me time to think of clever ideas. I think marketing would be a fun and creative working environment. I would possibly want to take that in the sports world and maybe do some marketing for teams like the Colorado Rapids. Also, management would be a good place for me. I think of myself as a leader. When someone needs to step up and take the reigns and a situation, I usually do and I can handle it pretty well. Maybe I could manage my own store or company. I would most likely want to know what jobs are there for these concentrations that any other.

According to the Jung Typology test, my letters are ISFJ. The I stands for introverted which I do notice about myself from time to time. It also said it was sensing and judging and I feel kinda bad that my percent on judging was 44%. I was 50 % in feeling which kinda surprised me. I am an emotional person but I usually keep that bottled up inside.

The Princeton review quiz said I was yellow. This means that I would like a very organized job. In a way I would like to be organized at my job but at the same time, I want to be out and talking to people and interacting. It is true that I would get everything done in a timely matter but I do not want to be completely organized. The only job that sounds interesting to me is the small business manager or a food service manager. The other jobs included a lot of math and science and those are my least favorite subjects.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My WHY Factor

My why factor for going to college is to receive a higher education and to receive a good job in the future. I get up every morning because that means I am one more step closer to receiving my college diploma and to get a great job to support me and perhaps some day a family. I want to make money and also work at a job that I will enjoy going to every day. I know I have so much more potential so I am at college to keep growing intellectually and to find a job that I look forward to go to and make money.