Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Concentration Paper

Part 1:

1. Lindsay Corbin

2. Aurora, Colorado

3. Corbett Hall

4. Classes: BUS 100, BUS 150, BZ 101(Humans and other Animals), MATH 141, ART 100(Intro to Visual Arts), GR 100(Intro to Geography)

5. I am working for 11-12 hours at Call-A-Ram. At this job, I make phone calls to mainly alumni and ask for donations for certain causes or fundraisers.

6. I chose CSU because I really like the Fort Collins community and the campus itself. I also enjoy how I can explore my options to see what I want to major in. CSU really helps and care about the students who come here.

7. I chose Business as my major because I had the grades to be in the Business school and I really wanted to explore my options to see if there is a place in the business world for me.

8. I love to see movies and hanging out with family and friends.

9. I know Kenna Alexander and I know her because we live in the same hall in Corbett.

10. I do not know that many faculty members in the college of business. I know my Bus100 teacher, Susan Athey, and my counselor Katya Stewart-Sweeney.

11. I am very interested in Studying Abroad because I love to travel and it would be a life changing experience. I would learn more about my concentration and I also learn a new culture. A change in learning environment would be fun and exciting.

12. I know I am still very confused about what I want to do. I do not have really specific questions because all of my questions will most likely be answered in this course.

Part 2:

When I think about what I am good at, what comes to mind are ideas that I have. I always have thoughts running through my mind and sometimes my ideas are crazy but then I try to think of a way they can be practical. I also think about my time management skills that are improving even better now that I also have a job to maintain. A weakness I have is my organizational skills. I sometimes throw papers into my backpack or loosely in a folder and they easily get lost. I need to take my time to put them in their proper place.

This course should help me in deciding what concentration I want within the college of business. I know off the top of my head that I do not want to concentrate in accounting. It sounds like a lot of math and I am not bad at math but it is not my favorite subject in the world. I am also not interested in finance because once again, it involves math and I just do not want that. I also can not picture myself in Real Estate. That seems to be involved with math, again, and also, I just do not see myself taking people out to find a house. Also, I do not see myself in Computer Information Systems. I know I will need to know how to use a computer in what ever job I am in but computers as my job is not what I like. I do not know how a computer works, all I really know is how to use Word and maybe PowerPoint. Other than that, I think computers might be too fancy for me.

I do see myself in Marketing. I sometimes have trouble thinking about an idea on the spot but if it an ongoing project, it will give me time to think of clever ideas. I think marketing would be a fun and creative working environment. I would possibly want to take that in the sports world and maybe do some marketing for teams like the Colorado Rapids. Also, management would be a good place for me. I think of myself as a leader. When someone needs to step up and take the reigns and a situation, I usually do and I can handle it pretty well. Maybe I could manage my own store or company. I would most likely want to know what jobs are there for these concentrations that any other.

According to the Jung Typology test, my letters are ISFJ. The I stands for introverted which I do notice about myself from time to time. It also said it was sensing and judging and I feel kinda bad that my percent on judging was 44%. I was 50 % in feeling which kinda surprised me. I am an emotional person but I usually keep that bottled up inside.

The Princeton review quiz said I was yellow. This means that I would like a very organized job. In a way I would like to be organized at my job but at the same time, I want to be out and talking to people and interacting. It is true that I would get everything done in a timely matter but I do not want to be completely organized. The only job that sounds interesting to me is the small business manager or a food service manager. The other jobs included a lot of math and science and those are my least favorite subjects.

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