Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Career Fair

I visited the career fair on February 3 and spoke with two companies. The first company was called Gexpro and it was a building company that helps build Eco-friendly buildings. Of course one of my question was explaining what the company does and that was electrical distribution. The other question I asked was the type of skills needed. The representative told me to have good sale qualities and to the ability to work in a team.
The other company I visited is a well known company, Enterprise. Their job is renting cars when people need it. I asked them why would it be a good idea to look into their company. They told me that it is a great environment and there are so many locations to chose from. I also asked what type of skills are needed and once again it was able to be able to work in teams.
It was really intimidating to walk into that fair because there were so many people. Also, unlike many people in the room, I was not really looking for a job so I felt as if I was in the way for those other people who were looking for one. Next time I will go more prepared with questions and take even more time. I will even dress better. The recruiter told me to build on my resume so when it was time for me to find a job, my resume will have many positive things on it and it will make me a better applicant for the job.

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