Monday, March 8, 2010

BUS100 Class/Concentration Summary Paper

Now that class is wrapping up, I feel a little better about choosing a specific concentration. When I first came to this class, I had no idea what I wanted to do with business. Now I have a much better understanding on what is available and what I can do within these concentrations. I think if I stay with the school of business, I would major in Marketing. There is so much you can do with that and it seems really interesting. I did declare the CIS concentration but I think I will be dropping that. The presentation was very convincing and it does sound interesting but it is something I do not really want to do. I am not really computer savvy and of course I could learn and I will have to learn in anything I do but I do not want that to be the only thing I do. The one thing that would make me even more comfortable in choosing a major is a clear list of what jobs I could get. I could talk to my councilor and the career center about possible options so I can get an idea of where I can work and if it sounds fun. The presenters were very helpful in providing me with information about the different concentrations. It was nice to hear about their experiences from college to now. I am still unsure exactly what to concentrate in but I know that I feel a little bit more educated and comfortable with making that decision.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Business Publication Assignment 2

ASX Suspends Trading in 13 Tardy Companies

Source:The Australian

In this story, the Australian Securities exchange had closed trading with 13 companies because they missed their deadline. Their deadline was turning in financial reports and those thirteen were declined and some were lucky and had their reports filed for Monday. Only one of the thirteen companies have missed their deadlines twice. Only seven companies were expected to resume trading by lodging their reports on early Monday or late Friday evening. This report shows that it is very important to follow deadlines.

Orange and T-Mobile Cleared for Mobile Merger by EU

Source: BBC news

The European Union as passed the deal that would team the mobile phone companies, T-Mobile and Orange, together. This makes them the biggest cell phone company in the UK but they are expected to follow guidelines. The main guideline they wanted was to protect the smallest network operator in the UK, 3. The EU wanted to make sure that 3 and the new fusion would still be competitive in the market so they created "'an existing network sharing agreement.'"

Data, data everywhere

This article discusses how even though we now have much more information available, sometimes it can be very overwhelming. Even though we have so much storage space, this gives way for information to be stolen. It is also discussed how we use data and information together for things we do to this day. Technology is also improving the overwhelming amount of data since it continues to become more advanced. According to the report, the amount of digital information "will increase tenfold in the next five years."